Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The man who raised me

I love to say Life is very beautiful, I also know that your positioning in life determines your perception of life. I think in every situation of my life, I have always been standing on the side where all I see is beauty or by choice I see only the beautiful, magnificient side of life. 
One man raised a happy child; my dad. With him, life had always been a journey one must take with happiness and enthusiasm.
With him, every day is an adventure to be approached with great strength fueled by optimism and so much laughter. With him, life could beat you black and blue, just consciously not give in to defeat.
Growing up in his arms are memories I would always hold dear to my heart; we would wake up from different beds in the morning and rush under his blanket with him and chuckle and giggle till mummy thinks it's time to go prepare for school. Meal times were also fun times since he would ensure you finish your meal and also partake of his fish or meat. I loved the days we would all snug ourselves in his peugeot 504 because daddy and mummy are going out and no one has chosen to stay behind in the house. We attended the best of the schools in the neighborhood not because it was convenient for him but because he wanted the best for us.
I can't say he never goofed, sometimes he did, I also can't say he is not exceptional because he is .
There are many reasons to celebrate you; for accepting our unique differences, for all the times you paid my many bills, for that one time you ever spanked me, for always feeding us dinner even when we were sleepy on your knees, for not sparing the hugs and accepting loads of it in returns. 
Thank you for always having my back even when things are messed up.
Thank you also for my first gold piece, I would never forget that
Thank you for those days you cried, it never made you less of a man.
Thank you for our little gossips and chit chat; you are a good friend. 
Thank you for making me read the dailies, I enjoy them now.
Thank you for the compulsory 9 pm news you made me watch, they are  no longer compulsory but essential
Thank you for ensuring excellence in our academics.
Thank you for being a thorough dad.
Today my dad, my hero is 67. May God keep you and all that is yours! We all love you dad